The answers below were written by The Project’s director.

    • At this time, the novel, Better Than The Children’s Hour, is not available in any form beyond the audio links provided. 

    • Not immediately, but we do hope to begin an active search for a creative to assist with the revision of our website.  If you’re a creative and would like your name added to our list for future review, please reach out by way of the contact form linked below.

    • Presumably, she would be an ethnographer.  Yes, she’s loosely based on a favored mentor and my first college dean.

    • Yes and no. While the character and I do share a fair number of commonalities, The Fotini Project is ultimately a work of fiction.  This story is Fotini’s story—a composite character who has further formed herself on the page, initiated by my brief encounter with the woman on the metro.

    • A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens; Peace Like A River, Leif Enger; Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert; Diary Of A Young Girl, Anne Frank; To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee; Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck; A Month Of Sundays, John Updike; Our Town, Thornton Wilder.

If you have a question or would like to leave a comment, please use the contact form found here.